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Nursing Services

Bethel lifecare support aged care facilities and homes with skilled and trained Nurses (RN, EN & AIN), undertaking daily crucial services for individuals requiring support.

Nursing home residents are doing exercises with stretch bands.

We are committed to our people

Our selected team are screened and trained for ensuring the best possible nursing staff are employed. The ongoing supervision and feedback help sustain our high standard of care to You, the person in need of supportive care.

Focus on continued quality service

Our nurses and support workers receive ongoing support and training from the area managers and two nurse directors, especially focusing on training with the most up to date process in delivering high quality care to the elderly, care for disability medical needs, helping to manage ongoing illness/s, providing the required scripted medications, pain management, wound care , Peg feeding and many others.

Continual communication

Keeping you informed on our services, programs, staff changes and meetings, all the way through our services with face-to-face meetings, messaging (SMS), phone calls or emails and site visits.

Hi! Let us know how we can help and we’ll respond shortly.

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